2019 Argos Poetry Calendar
Featuring work by diana arterian
For our sixth Argos Poetry Calendar, we are thrilled to present Diana Arterian’s Songs of Innorience, our first calendar featuring a work by a single poet/artist. In this series, Arterian combines the text and original lithograph images of William Blake’s beloved Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, using principles of intuition and intimacy to weave together the opposing valences of Blake’s profound vision. These pieces offer an uncanny encounter with Blake’s familiar images and language, made new through Arterian’s particular mythological sensibility. “I stained the hollow floor/I wrote each clear day,” ends the first piece in the series, featured for the month of January 2019. The calendar brings a wild new Blakean multimedia gem for each month through February 2020: deliciously dangerous companions as we head toward a new decade of the 21st century.
DIANA ARTERIAN is the author of the poetry collection Playing Monster :: Seiche (1913 Press, 2017), the chapbooks With Lightness & Darkness and Other Brief Pieces(Essay Press, 2017), Death Centos (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013), and co-editor of Among Margins: Critical & Lyrical Writing on Aesthetics (Ricochet, 2016). A Poetry Editor at Noemi Press, her creative work has been recognized with fellowships from the Banff Centre, Caldera, Vermont Studio Center, and Yaddo, and her poetry, essays, and translations have been featured in Asymptote, Black Warrior Review, BOMB, Denver Quarterly, Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Poetry Foundation website, among others.
Born and raised in Arizona, she currently resides in Los Angeles where she is a doctoral candidate in Literature & Creative Writing at the University of Southern California. She holds an MFA in poetry from CalArts, where she was a Beutner Fellow.
Posted by Elizabeth Clark Wessel, November 16th, 2018.

2018 Argos Poetry Calendar
14 MONTHS / sold-out
A calendar is no simple reckoning of dates. Each of us carries our own calendar inside, our own anniversaries both lovely and brutal. A date, like scar tissue, might mark an otherwise anonymous Wednesday. A year arrives, turns, departs, and is replaced by another version of itself, layer upon layer as a life is lived, as memory settles like sediment over the days.
Now a new year is arriving, and for the fifth time we are making a calendar to mark this cultural decision of renewal. Inside these pages are voices and images that touch us with their beauty and truth, that sing. Though we experience the years as moving faster, a moment stays mysteriously elastic. These poems are moments that will expand to enrich and deepen the coming year of days. And we are grateful to be able to share them with you.
Our fifth annual limited-edition calendar features poems by Holly Anderson, Ari Banias, Chia-Lun Chang, Miri Gabriel, Julia Guez, Harmony Holiday, Amy Lawless, Ricky Maldonado, Sade Murphy, Maryam Parhizkar, Brandon Shimoda, Eleni Sikelianos, Nikki Wallschlaeger, and Rachael Wilson.
With cover and interior artwork by Sadie Bills.
Posted by Elizabeth Clark Wessel, November 16th, 2017.
2016 Argos Poetry Calendar
Hand-Bound Calendar
12 Months
Nothing feels steady and indisputable in the way that the months of a year do. The rhythm of a year passing may feel like twelve wheels turning in succession, or water flowing over twelve rocks in a stream. It may appear like twelve messengers bearing letters of similar length–but not content–or twelve clouds passing across the sky, each a distinct shape.
One unit of time, one month or week or moment, may feel endless – it may elongate itself out and out until its flow reverses and returns to where it began. It may also slip by all but unnoticed, as if it had never existed.
Like the feeling of time passing, we know that the structures that mark its passing are not fixed; they have evolved wildly since the beginning of human consciousness, and have been radically different across continents and cultures. These poems may serve as reminders of this: that the structures shaping the cadences and rhythms of our lives – like language – are not fixed either, and that language itself can be a window – or twelve windows – into real freedom.
Our fourth annual hand-bound, limited-edition calendar features poems by Nadia Alexis, Cheryl Clarke, Brenda Coultas, Joey De Jesus, Jay Deshpande, Brenda Iijima, Cynthia Manick, Joseph Massey, Shane McCrae, Trace Peterson, Nina Puro, & Solmaz Sharif.
With cover and interior artwork by Simone Kearney.
[Menhirs xxvii by Simone Kearney]
Posted by Elizabeth Clark Wessel, November 30th, 2015.

2015 Argos Poetry Calendar
Time is both circular and linear. The last day of the year returns us to the first day of the next. The length of the days is repeated as the earth tilts back and forth, and our ecology responds. The rains return around the same time, the heat, the snow. And yet the days move forward, from one destination to the next. Calendars are our ancient way of making sense of this. Poems are our ancient way of making sense of something else. Poetry too is both circular and linear. Each word inevitably pushes forward into the next, and yet the last line of a poem returns us to the first. The poem creates its own time, and an ecology results when a mind encounters the poem. And so we hope this calendar offers the reader a unique way of experiencing the year by evoking poetry’s special relationship to time.
Our third annual hand-bound, limited-edition calendar features poems by Evie Shockley, Dana Levin, Jon Cotner & Andy Fitch, Khadijah Queen, Abraham Adams, Wayne Koestenbaum, Jennifer Tamayo, Johannes Göransson, Doug Nufer, Ana Gorría (trans. Yvette Siegert), E Tracy Grinnell, Marina Eckler, and more. With cover and artwork by ruby onyinyechi amanze.
Limited to an edition of 250.
[Painting by ruby onyinyechi amanze]
Posted by Elizabeth Clark Wessel, November 5th, 2014.
2014 Argos Poetry Calendar
$15+ shipping
Poems are something we live among every day. They surround us in ways we don’t always expect, and ground us in time and space as nothing else does. An exploration of poetry’s relationship with time—how language settles and shifts over the course of moments, hours, seasons—that is what this annual project is meant to invite. Our lives transpire in their ordinary and extraordinary way, with the curious presence of our shared language running like a thread throughout.
Our second annual hand-bound, limited-edition calendar features one poem per month for 13 months (including January 2015). With poems by Kazim Ali, Sommer Browning, Christophe Casamassima, Don Mee Choi, Ryan Eckes, Farrah Field, Joan Kane, Bhanu Kapil, Rachel Levitsky, Anna Moschovakis, Jared White, and Simone White. Artwork and illustrations by Essye Klempner.
Limited to an edition to 150.
[Painting by Essye Klempner]
Posted by Elizabeth Clark Wessel, November 13th, 2013.
2013 Argos Poetry Calendar
Hand-bound calendar
13 months
order $12
In time for the new year, this hand-bound, limited-edition calendar features one poem per month for 13 months (including January 2014). Featuring poems by Harryette Mullen, Eileen Myles, Cecilia Vicuña, Hoa Nguyen, Rob Halpern, Noel Black, Ana Božičević, Joy Katz, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Lee Ann Brown, Mónica de la Torre, Mark Bibbins and K. Silem Mohammad. Artwork and illustrations by Loie Hollowell.
Limited to an edition to 200.
In time for the new year, this hand-bound, limited-edition calendar features one poem per month for 13 months (including January 2014). Featuring poems by Harryette Mullen, Lisa Jarnot, Hoa Nguyen, Rob Halpern, Noel Black, Joy Katz, Julian Brolaski, Lee Ann Brown, Mónica de la Torre and others. Illustrations by L, Joy Katz, Julian Brolaski, Lee Ann Br
Posted by Iris Cushing, October 26th, 2012.