[Cosmic intercon-/nection of all beings?]

[Cosmic intercon-/nection of all beings?]


from Notes from Irrelevance by Anselm Berrigan
artwork by Bianca Stone

Letterpressed Broadside/ $5 /Sold-Out


This limited edition broadside was created for a reading at Metro Rhythm on May 13, 2011.

space space space

space space space space

space space space

space space space space

The Repel Broadside(s)

The Repel Broadside(s)

with poems by Mónica de la Torre, Mark Bibbins and Timothy Donnelly
and artwork by Ander Mikalson

3 piece broadside, 13 x 19.5 when assembled / $10 / sold-out


This limited edition 3 piece broadside was created for a reading at Camel Art Space on January 14, 2011.