Forensics of the Chamber

Forensics of the Chamber

by j/j hastain

Perfect-bound Hybrid / $15

I refuse to be full of empty.

There are too many visceral ecologies

that could be rung if they

could only be found.

–j/j hastain

A profoundly generative body of work, this collection of interspersed poems and collages make lush and mysterious visual/verbal gems that reveal the presence of a vital imagination at play. This is truly an inter-species book, part image, part story, part human and part wilderness.

j/j hastain is a queer, mystic, seer, singer, photographer, lover, priest/ess, gender shaman and writer.  As artist and activist of the audible, j/j is the author of several cross-genre books and enjoys ceremonial performances in an ongoing project regarding gender, shamanism, eros and embodiments. See xir most recent book, myrrh to re all myth, here.